I have a secret. It’s something that I’m not allowed to talk about, but I wanted to talk about it anyway.. he he…How do you write about something that you can’t talk about? I was setting something up for one of my blogs when I was invited to participate in a Top Secret program. I had to agree that I would not tell anyone about it, so I did. The potential for a lot of money coming my way (more than normal I mean) is there, so I don’t want to screw with it.
It’s related to something you probably already know about, but they launched a very lucrative program that I was invited to participate in. I’m told that it will take a few days to kick into gear and then it begins to produce. I’ll let you know how it’s going and then update this if I’m ever allowed to talk about it.
That’s about it for that topic, now onto some new developments.. some things that aren’t secret:
1. I created my Twitter account
2. I created my Jaiku account
3. I created my former fat guy Squidoo lens – They’re really quite neat how they work.
4. I added some before and after pictures to my weight loss blog. I have it set to pick from 8 different “after” pictures randomly and then display it below my “before” picture
5. Was asked to contact by Chris Brogan to contact Kevin Kennedy-Spaien over at Health Hacks Podcast about doing a podcast for them on a bi-monthly basis. Kevin is the producer of the show and had a look around my websites former fat guy and my weight loss blog. He decided that I was indeed a good match for the show. I haven’t done any radio or podcast work since my former fat guy show back in 2003, so this will be a nice launch for my own podcast. I’ll let you know when that happens. In the mean time, check out the show:
6. I mentioned in a previous post about my new Make Money With Rob program. Excellent – get involved.
7. I’m working on a Scavenger Hunt program for my former fat guy website. Prizes can be won for finding the monthly scavenger hunt item.
8. I launched my Create A Blog website called Blog Building Basics. It’s still in the beginning phases, but will be the place for my Create A Blog book when I finish it.