.... anything is possible and nothing happens by accident

Me posing with backpack on, clouds below in the distant, as I climb Mt Kilimanjaro

Tag: Weight Loss

My First Clickbank Vendor Account

I’ve been approved by Clickbank!

After having my Bodybuilder Interviews website up and running for about a year using 1Shoppingcart.com as my payment processor, I’ve decided to move it to a new domain and name and market it through Clickbank.

With 1Shoppingcart.com, I’m charged on a monthly basis $80 US for managing my product downloads and handling my autoresponder.

The disadvantage is that I’m not listed in any marketplace and have to manually find affiliates to promote my product and I have to pay a monthly fee.

By moving to clickbank, my product is listed in the marketplace which thousands or hundreds of thousands of affiliate marketers visit to find products.  A lot of affiliates also automate the entire process using their Clickbank Malls or Product RSS feeds.

Initially, I was marketing the interviews as “bodybuilder Interviews” because they’re audio interviews with the worlds top bodybuilders giving their secrets to fat loss and building your ultimate physique.

Alas, I’ve decided to market it as “fat loss insider secrets” reaching a more targeted niche, people looking to improve their fat loss or weight loss goals, rather than appealing to Bodybuilders.  It’s just a bit more focused.

I also redesigned the product logo or image to match the product.

Before moving over to Clickbank, I wanted to be able to secure my download page and be able to manage many future products as well as affiliates, so I turned to Easy Clickmate software

Eric Chopin Drops 214 Pounds and Becomes the Biggest Loser

Biggest Loser Eric ChopinCongratulations to Eric Chopin of the Biggest Loser who dropped 214 pounds over the course of the show.  Eric started at over 400 pounds and while utilizing the tools from a weight-loss ranch in California, got results.  Still not quite the same as my own 300 pound weight loss, but welcome to the 200+ club Eric!

Eric had considered gastric bypass surgery after being diagnosed with diabetes and other weight related health challenges.  He joined the show, got coached and got results.  Here is the report from the news

NEW YORK (AP) – Erik Chopin, who dropped 214 pounds to win NBC’s “The Biggest Loser,” was prepared to undergo surgery to slim down before he was chosen for the weight-loss competition. “That’s how hopeless I felt,” Chopin, a family man and deli owner from West Islip, N.Y., told The Associated Press in a phone interview Friday. “I felt like I needed to go for the surgery but, really, I’m so glad I didn’t. … I knew the whole time, I honestly knew, I was copping out, I was quitting.”
He added: “Now, there’s no stopping me.”

Chopin, who weighed 407 pounds at the start of “The Biggest Loser,” said he had considered gastric band surgery to shrink his stomach.

Instead, he went to a weight-loss ranch in California to film the reality show with 49 other contestants. On the finale earlier this week, he weighed in at 193 pounds to win the title and the $250,000 grand prize.

“It’s surreal. I’m on top of the world,” he told the AP. “It was such a long journey, probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. But it’s just so rewarding. I’m getting paid now for something I needed to do. You know, I needed to get healthy.”

Chopin, 36, was diagnosed with diabetes and other obesity-related problems while on “The Bigger Loser.”

“Everything fits great and I’m comfortable and I need to stay right here,” he said.

Chopin said he’ll continue to run Emma’s Delicatessen and will use his prize money to “pay some bills” – and maybe get a new car. Another plan is a long-delayed trip to Disneyworld with his wife and two daughters.

“I see a big guy somewhere and in my mind I’m not critical of him,” he said. “I’m more like, ‘I need to help this person.’ I like to help them, because I know what it’s like and how awful it feels to be obese. And I was morbidly obese.”

[Rob’s note] First, congratulations again Eric.  Well done.  If you’re looking for the best Fat Burning Solution out there, check out www.burnthefatbook.com by Tom Venuto

7 Percent Bodyfat by July 7 2007 Goal or 7777

My goal has always been to get to 6 % bodyfat by the summer of each year and so far the best I’ve gotten is 8% in February of 2005.  So here it is christmas again and I’m driving towards a new goal.  I saw a guy over on 35 to 35 because of his link to my blog so I dropped in for a read.  I believe his goal is 35 pounds in 35 weeks and that is the reason behind his domain name.

So, I realized that 7% by July 7th of 2007 would become 7777 (7%, 7th month, 7th day, 7th year) and would also be a cool goal.

So here it begins. 

I am not that lean now, and have a ways to go, but I know how to do it and I’ve done it before, so it’s just a matter of discipline, hard work and sacrifices in time and eating habits.  That should be easy.  It’s the decision that begins it all though and I have to get my head around that.

It begins with training harder to gain muscle mass which then accompanied with Cardio makes the muscle more efficient at burning fat.  I’ve spoken with my personal trainer and I’ve got a new program.  I have not been in the gym for almost 4 months due to work and travel and it’s time to get back at it.

Weight Loss and Fitness Article Directories

I created a new website for my weight loss articles and fitness articles over at clinicallyObese.com. Go ahead and use the articles for your own website or ezine if you like. They are primarily focused on weight loss, fat loss, personal development, personal training and about finding role models or mentoring. Update: I also just released a new article website at Article Adventure dot Com as well.

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