.... anything is possible and nothing happens by accident

Me posing with backpack on, clouds below in the distant, as I climb Mt Kilimanjaro

Tag: keywords

Pick Winning Keywords Every Single Time

If you’ve done any sort of keyword research, then I’m sure you are used to seeing a keyword and a count number that represents the search demand.

It’s sort of one-dimensional.  Know what I mean?

What if I told you that you could look deeper into a keyword and look at monthly trends of a keyword.

That would be much more insightful, now wouldn’t it?

Well, I would like to show you exactly how you can pick winning keywords every single time — and you can literally do this blindfolded.  Well, not really, but close enough.  These are the top keywords you can use at any time, on any website and this is the ultimate keyword research tool.

Download the PDF below in the zip file below, use an unzip program like www.winzip.com to open it and Adobe Acrobat Reader to read it and be prepared to be blown away.

Download Keyword Jackpot

This is the exact Keyword Reasearch system that I use myself.


P.S.   Without even a hint of hype, there is nothing that can touch this…

Download Keyword Jackpot

SEO Position Number One For My Keyword

SEO Position Number One

After a good long year go at it, I was able to get a website for a client ranked Number one for it’s keyphrase Personal Trainer Edmonton.  I looked just the other week and was still number two.  My SEO ranking experiments seemed to have worked.  I was just about to employ another one, but I’m going to let the website ride it out awhile.

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