.... anything is possible and nothing happens by accident

Me posing with backpack on, clouds below in the distant, as I climb Mt Kilimanjaro

Tag: Christmas

My Pal Denis

I have been watching a TV show on the US FX network called “Rescue Me”.  It’s the best piece of television ever created for a man to watch, in my opinion.  I can’t get it here in Canada, but I can download it using bitTorrent.  I watch the show when I fly usually as I seem be flying at least twice a month and some times from New York to California and back and forth.

Denis has been around for awhile and has been way down on my long list, but with this show, in it’s 3rd season now, he’s at the top of my short list.

Here’s a Denis Leary Quote I grabbed off another site:


Most people think life sucks, and then you die. Not me. I beg to differ. I think life sucks, then you get cancer, then your dog dies, your wife leaves you, the cancer goes into remission, you get a new dog, you get remarried, you owe ten million dollars in medical bills but you work hard for thirty-five years and you pay it back and then — one day — you have a massive stroke, your whole right side is paralyzed, you have to limp along the streets and speak out of the left side of your mouth and drool but you go into rehabilitation and regain the power to walk and the power to talk and then — one day — you step off a curb at Sixty-seventh Street, and BANG you get hit by a city bus and then you die. Maybe.


Denis Leary is the man!  I Can’t believe this show is actually aired on television!  One on plane ride, I was watching it on my laptop and the 60+ year old lady in the seat next to me said she knew what was going to happen next.  She went on to describe the upcoming scene in great detail.  I can’t believe SHE watches the show, let alone that it’s aired.  Unbelievable.  I’ve got another one of my buddies hooked on the show now to.  I burned a DVD of the first and second cd for her and she’s hooked. lol Go Oilers (flames suck), lol

Here’s a cool Denis Leary answers site.

Christmas is like 2 days away now, so to create any last minute homemade christmas gift ideas, you’ll need Christmas gift ideas.

and in the words of Denis Leary “Merry Fucking Christmas”

My Least Favorite Day Of The Year – Today


Paintball California

Here is a pic of my buddies Burt, Adam, Scott Myself (in the orange shirt) and Rasta playing paintball on early Saturday morning in Sept while in California this summer. Hadn’t played in about 5 or 6 years and was a little out of paintball ‘shape’ as it were. I spent about a month or 6 weeks in California this past summer. Survived through some record heat waves while camping out about 30 miles from Palm Springs. Survived a fire evacuation at the Highland Springs Resort from where we had to “Bug Out” and retreat to a school a few miles away. The grass fire came right down to where we slept. Water bombers and helicopters were called in and bombed them and put them out.

Scott Paintball Double Paintball Guns - Rasta

These are my buddies Scott (formerly of the Canadian Armed Forces) and Rasta playing paintball that day while hanging out in California. Below are a couple more.

Eric of Ring Homestead Paintball Adam Double Paintball Guns

This is Eric from Ring Homestead Paintball park in New York. He was going over the safety mechanisms, paintball safety procedures, how the guns works and some basic rules of play. On the right above is Adam Jacques of Winnipeg Canada sporting his dual paintball guns.

We played paintball on Saturday, and then on Sunday we had to deal with what you see below. These are actual pictures of the Highland Springs fire while were were evacuating. The fire came withing 50 feet of where we slept.

adam highland springs resort fire

Adam hanging out for a quick picture of him with the fire behind him. He’s so tough…..

Highland Springs Fire

This shows how close the fire got to the Highland Springs Resort. As I said, we watched about 5 or 6 water bombers bomb the hell out of here with water. Rasta was sleeping when the fire department knocked on his door and asked him to leave. “Why?”, he asked. “Um, have a look out your front door!”. Then he started giggling and got dressed. lol.

And to balance out the destruction displayed above.. the paintball, the guns, the camo, the fire and all that macho shit, here’s a nice pic taken one of the nights either before or after the fire.

Highland Springs Twilight

Now on to the title of this post: My Least Favorite Day Of The Year. I hate winter. I hate it being dark all the time and the short fucken days. Dec 21st is the shortest day of the year here in Edmonton (least amount of sun hours). So This is my least favorite day, while being my 2nd most favorite days of the year. I really hate christmas, so this is a very shitty time of year for that reason too. I mean, I hate christmas.

My Most Favorite day of the year. I love June 21st for the opposite reason. Most Sun, warmest, best outdoor activities, least amount of clothes on the little ladies and when I celebrate my half birthday, or at least pretty darn close to the day.

So here it is, Dec 21st 2006 and we’re spinning back towards the sun… tilting and pointing our northerly continent back towards sunlight. Thank Gawd! The days get better from here on out.

Christmas Gifts

Hey, I just got the coolest christmas gifts from my trainer.  She got me a bunch of tealights and a couple of those big huge Guy Type column candles for my desk.  I had texted her the other day hinting (ok, outright asking for them) and today she hooked me up.

Then… then… she gave me my birthday gift.  She got me a thumb ring made of some sort of special metal from metalsmiths in west edmonton mall.  I’ve promised to get her my DVD of “the secret” as a christmas gift for her.  I’ve told her to watch it a number of times because of how powerful the secret really is.

I had a really shitty christmas last year when I was with my girlfriend.  I spent a lot of time and energy (and love) to create an amazing gift for her and I got a toy car and some personal toiletries.  Kinda wrecked the energy that year for me and I should have know we weren’t on the same page. 

So this year, I am already so thrilled with my christmas gift.  Not quite a homemade christmas gift idea, but awesome, amazing.  I’m very happy.

Update: I realize now after I wrote this post and got the comment, that I had not considered what the intention was around the toy car.  And also that I celebrated Christmas in Arizona a few weeks later and got one of my most prized possessions, a very special earring.  This earring has gotten my more touches from women as well as comments due to it’s special design.  I’ve worn it faithfully now for almost a year and I see no time soon in which I will change it up.  Thank you for the great gift Sonja.

Merry Christmas 2004

Merry ChristmasI spent my Christmas Eve at Mel’s house.  She had a party attended to by a bunch of personal trainers, health conscious people.  We had a great time and I met a bunch of great new people.  Christmas time is not always my favorite time of year.  My birthday falls close to christmas and it kind of depresses me.  Not sure why anymore and I’ve let go of it.  Maybe it’s because of the Christmas gifts.  I’ve always said that a homemade christmas gift idea was better than buying one. My idea of a perfect christmas is living in the backwoods, in a log house and then creating my own christmas presents for the people I love.  I guess it’s from my early years growing up watching The Waltons and Little House on the Prairie.  Those were good times.  I think the world would be a better place if we lost a bunch of technology.

Some of my best memories of Christmas involve all the goings on around the homestead of Charles Ingles and the family get togethers on The Waltons.  I really think I’m having “earlier life” flashbacks because those are my best Christmas memories.  Weird eh?

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