.... anything is possible and nothing happens by accident

Me posing with backpack on, clouds below in the distant, as I climb Mt Kilimanjaro

Tag: Edmonton

Edmonton Photo Walk Winner Announced

GreenThe World Wide Photo Walk created by Scott Kelby took place in over 73 countries around the world and included Edmonton for the 2nd time. The World Wide Photo Walk is unique in that photographers from around the world meet for a few hours on a specific day, in a city hosting the photo walk and shoot photos while the group walks a planned route of their city. The winning photograph is selected by the walk organizer for their city and then sent in as an entry for the global competition.

Edmonton photographer Darlene Hildebrandt participated in the and was selected as the this year with her image of the Gibson Block building.

My personal favorite image is Darlene’s unique view of the siding of the Shaw Conference center where the world wide photo walk began. I’ve included it here.

32,600 photographers participated in the 2nd annual World Wide Photo walk this year, so she’s got some stiff competition for the world title.

Good luck Darlene.

Oktoberfest 2007 Edmonton

At 39 years of age, I finally attended my first Oktoberfest. I’m no longer an Oktoberfest virgin.

Edmonton Oktoberfest 2007

Darlene, myself, Paulette and Darlene’s brother in law Troy attended the Oktoberfest celebration this past Saturday night at the Shaw Conference Center. Doors opened at 6:30, but we left home at 7:30. We were wondering when they would stop serving food (how late I mean) and we risked it. It seemed that they kept serving to at least 9 PM. So if you’re wondering this yourself, I would risk it up until 9 PM for the years coming.

Music was provided by some Umpah pah band for the most part of the early evening and then David Wilcox for the rest of the night. Troy didn’t believe me that David is blind. I’m not completely sure if he’s blind, but I do know that after a show at the Edmonton Northlands Exhibition a few years ago, he had to be led off stage after his set. A guy came out, stood in front of David, put David’s hand on his shoulder and then led him off stage.

So at the end of David’s set, sure enough, a guy came out and led David off stage. Anyone have any confirmations or explanations on this?

oktoberfest Helga costume

Paulette borrowed a “Helga” outfit from a friend in Calgary and it was a big hit.

oktoberfest Edmonton Paulette and Darlene

My girlfriend Darlene and Paulette a few drinks into the evening

Edmonton Oktoberfest Rob scarey face

This has been officially named the “Coop scarey face” by Koralee Nickarz.

Paulette's Breasts

This is where the evening begins to get a bit weird. A typical photo taken by Paulette. I should do a post of “just” Paulette’s breasts. I could fill a page.

This is the only photo completely approved by Darlene for showing. The top one I like, you know, the green Oktoberfest hat, great looking girl, etc, but Dar’s not too happy with herself in it. So, the top one of Us, I like and this one is Dar approved.Is Oktoberfest a Holiday? anyone know? Or just a celebration of sausages, beer and music? Darlene approved photo

Having Teeth Pulled Is Like Pulling Teeth – A Trip To The Dentist

Tooth Teeth dentistaggghhhh.. I really hate anything teeth related.  When i was growing up in Melfort Saskatchewan, I had a dentist that I still belive is a butcher.  I always avoided dentists ever since leaving Melfort.

But, alas, I had to go a few years back and found Dr Baily Mack here in Edmonton.  He’s at the Kingsway Garden Mall.

Dr Mack is a dental God.

I have NEVER experienced any sort of pain after leaving his office.

Just the other day, I had to have two teeth pulled.  One was broken in half which happend just before I left for Africa to climb Kilimanjaro and I wasn’t able to see him.  I had his associate dentist patch the tooth so I’d survive for a few months.  Then just two days ago, I had it pulled along with a wisdom tooth.

no pain.  Quick, simple and easy extractions and no pain.

Dr Mack is my dental God.

My Personal Trainer

My personal trainer now has a website if you’re in the edmonton area and are looking for an edmonton personal trainer. She’s the best. She holds a few canadian power lifting records that have not been beat since she set them over 10 years ago.

I posted an article on calorie counting by Tom Venuto on my website. The newest in a series of articles by Tom. Check it out.

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