My girlfriend Darlene is a professional photographer. A good friend had asked for some shots of her, her new boyfriend and his family, so we headed off to Edmonton’s Fort Edmonton Park. We got to the location when we began to be stalked by these two Turkey’s. They just wouldn’t leave us alone, and having just read about how Turkey’s are quite dangerous and can “snap your head off”, I decided to keep our small group safe.
From the top 15 places to see in Canada before you die, here is the glorious Banff National Park featuring the Ice Fields. I live 4 hours from here, and whether I travel to Jasper and then south east, or to Calgary and then north west, this is one of my favorite drives. I’ve worked, camped, backpacked and climbed mountains all through here. It’s truely worth making your way out here to see. Summer has great camping and climbing while the winter has great skiing either in Banff or Jasper. Hostels are very nice as well.
Forbes has pictures and descriptions of a few more places in Canada to see before you die, and I was pleasantly surprised that I had been two a couple of them, even having a great dinner and fabulous bottle of wine at the Pointe Restauraunt in the Wickaninnish Inn in Toffino.
It’s a good question “do you judge a man by the size of his deck?”.
Most people will tell you that the size of your deck is of no importance, however, secretly, “deck envy” is going on
[youtube r4KN4VVHBes nolink]
Classic Big Deck comedy by some of the best names in the business. Makes you wonder who’s got the biggest deck for real?