.... anything is possible and nothing happens by accident

Me posing with backpack on, clouds below in the distant, as I climb Mt Kilimanjaro

Tag: Sleep

Getting Interested in Sleep and Meditation

shaved my moustache offGetting really interested in The Science of Sleep and how we’re affected by sleep.  Tom Venuto has a great
arcticle on my website about how much sleep do we need. Sleep can also be affected through sound.  Found a great product called Holosync Audio Technology that creates states of deep meditation and gives you the benefits of long-term, deep meditation, but much more quickly.  Very cool stuff.  I’m listening to the free CD they send out right now.  Go get it… they really do send out a free cd letting you sample their audio technology.  Did I say “very cool” yet?

Oh, and after 14 years without seeing my top lip, I shaved my moustache off.  Comments ladies?

I was at a Halloween party at my skydive club here in Edmonton, when someone mentioned that I should get rid of it.  Another girl quickly agreed, so I began to take some polls.  The result was my decision to just shave it off with the fallback position that “it will always grow back”.  I really like having it shaved now and would never go back.

Snow Sleep and Tanning for Health

We finally got snow here in Edmonton.  It’s only a few days away until Dec 21 when we start rotating back towards the sun and the days begin to get longer again.  I really hate the winter.  Lack of sun and all that.  I’ve been doing some tanning the past couple of years over the winter months just to deal with SAD.

I find that I sleep a lot more in the winter months.  I saw a news article a few days ago about the effects of sleeping and weight gain.  I started looking into it, sleep that is, doing more than my normal “sleep research” as it were.  I found a lot of very interesting information about sleep and it’s effects.  Turns out too much sleep might be a bad thing.  Have a look over at Power Sleep System.  I also posted a few articles on my website about Sleep, The Recommended Hours of Sleep by Tom Venuto, Sleep MythsWhy Poor Sleep Lowers Your Immune System  from my blog and Can sleeping 8 hours kill you faster?

I’m tanning in a tanning bed from about Nov until February every year now too.  I find that I feel better from having a tan and I just seem to feel better in general as well.  Managing my sleep and getting some rays seem to be the right thing to do.

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