Rob Cooper

.... anything is possible and nothing happens by accident

Me posing with backpack on, clouds below in the distant, as I climb Mt Kilimanjaro

Getting Interested in Sleep and Meditation

shaved my moustache offGetting really interested in The Science of Sleep and how we’re affected by sleep.  Tom Venuto has a great
arcticle on my website about how much sleep do we need. Sleep can also be affected through sound.  Found a great product called Holosync Audio Technology that creates states of deep meditation and gives you the benefits of long-term, deep meditation, but much more quickly.  Very cool stuff.  I’m listening to the free CD they send out right now.  Go get it… they really do send out a free cd letting you sample their audio technology.  Did I say “very cool” yet?

Oh, and after 14 years without seeing my top lip, I shaved my moustache off.  Comments ladies?

I was at a Halloween party at my skydive club here in Edmonton, when someone mentioned that I should get rid of it.  Another girl quickly agreed, so I began to take some polls.  The result was my decision to just shave it off with the fallback position that “it will always grow back”.  I really like having it shaved now and would never go back.

Snow Sleep and Tanning for Health

We finally got snow here in Edmonton.  It’s only a few days away until Dec 21 when we start rotating back towards the sun and the days begin to get longer again.  I really hate the winter.  Lack of sun and all that.  I’ve been doing some tanning the past couple of years over the winter months just to deal with SAD.

I find that I sleep a lot more in the winter months.  I saw a news article a few days ago about the effects of sleeping and weight gain.  I started looking into it, sleep that is, doing more than my normal “sleep research” as it were.  I found a lot of very interesting information about sleep and it’s effects.  Turns out too much sleep might be a bad thing.  Have a look over at Power Sleep System.  I also posted a few articles on my website about Sleep, The Recommended Hours of Sleep by Tom Venuto, Sleep MythsWhy Poor Sleep Lowers Your Immune System  from my blog and Can sleeping 8 hours kill you faster?

I’m tanning in a tanning bed from about Nov until February every year now too.  I find that I feel better from having a tan and I just seem to feel better in general as well.  Managing my sleep and getting some rays seem to be the right thing to do.

Just Finished the West Coast Trail

west coast trailI just finished hiking the West Coast Trail.  It was fricken awesome.  So glad I did it.  I’ll have a complete report posted on my website in a short while. Update: trip log is complete on my website now, see the previous link.

Looking forward to a Carribbean cruise in Febuary of 2005.  Ports include Belize, Panama and Costa Rica.  Hope they have had time to clean up after the hurricanes.  Update: cruise was awesome.  Posted a page with a sort of year end summary of 2004 including the cruise pictures

Started a 6 week fitness boot camp at my club, Club Fit here in Edmonton.  Six weeks of cardio and drills for 1.5 hours first thing in the morning.  This added to a new six week heavy weight training program and I hope to drop 2% bodyfat and gain at least three pounds of muscle.  Watch my Former Fat Guy Blog for more details when I get them posted.

Update: Here’s my initial post when I started bootcamp, here is my first post of my bootcamp week in review , and here is my post after a full month of bootcamp.  I’ve done many more since, but never seem to complete them for one reason or another.  My dad passed away during one, so I left Edmonton to spend time with him in Saskatchewan, then I had to leave early another time to go on a cruise and another time I had to leave early due to travels.  It’s a hell of a program that Club Fit puts on and I recommend it to anyone in the Edmonton area.  If you’re looking for bootcamp in your neck of the woods, do so and get started.  They’re great

Fitness Talk Radio Bodybuilding Interviews

I am now the host of a Fitness, nutrition and wellness talk radio program streamed live on the internet on Mondays at 9:00 AM pacific time.  I am interviewing guests regarding fitness, nutrition, wellness and self improvement.  The Former Fat Guy Show – fit, wise and well  began airing on March 3rd 2003.

Update: I had my show on for about 4 months in which I interviewed Monica Brant, Bill Pearl, Clarence Bass, Shawn Phillips, Udo Erasmus and many others.  I have taken the best of the bodybuilder talk radio clips and made them available on my new website .  Since the show, I have done two more interviews privately, one with Tom Venuto and the other with Harvey Diamond.  In fact, it was Harvey’s agent who contacted me and asked to be interviewed.  That interview can be found on my website under Harvey Diamond Interview, while the Tom Venuto interview is part of the bodybuilder interview package.

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